Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.


Which movie did the dog go to?
Wizard of Paws :-).

Dogs are not fully color blind, but their sight is very dim. It's similar to the way we see objects or people at twilight. A dog's vision is based on movement, shape and brightness instead of color. Don't let their lack of colored vision fool you. Their other senses such as smelling and hearing well compensate for the lack of vision.
Time to draw another dog. Our last one.

  • Start by writing four upside down Us.  We write a small one then cover it with a bigger one. We then write two small ones on top of the bigger one for eyes.
  • Write a small O for nose.Write an I to complete the face.
  • Write a big upside down U to complete the face. Also write two small Us at sides of the face for ears.
  • Join ears with face with two horizontal I.
  • Put two dots for eyes and few dots for whiskers on each side. You can also make the nose different by putting two dots.
  • We can make the dog happy by writing a small U for mouth, or we can make it sad by writing a small upside down U for mouth.
  • Draw the body as we did for the previous dogs. This one has two Is, an upside down U, two 3s for paws and small crooked V for tail.
Ruff !! Ruff !!
Never underestimate the warmth of a cold nose. A dog is indeed man's best friend. 


What did the male deer say to his fiance in his wedding?
I doe deer :-)

The whitetail deer, so named for it’s signature tail, the underside of which is white and often the only part of the deer one will see as it turns away to run, tail held up in the process. More and more though, deer are becoming immune to peoples encroachment, and while not only do they not run in fear, but will come right up into our yards and gardens looking for some choice morsel of food.
 Lets draw one now. It is a little complicated but do not give up, it is after all a few more alphabets.

  • Start by writing S.
  • Write upside down U at top tip of S.

  • Write V for mouth and write two Us to start making ears.
  • Write upside down V on U of each ear.
  • Write a slightly crooked V for tail.
  • Make eye by writing O and putting a dot inside it.
  • Write flat C to make neck.
  • Write two C facing opposite sides to start making legs.

  • Write 11 for first leg.Finish it by joining edges with horizontal I.
  • Write V to start making second leg. Finish it by writing a slant I and joinn the edges with I.
  • Third leg is made by writing a L.
  • Fourth leg is two Vs written together joined with I at edges.
 Do you know the name of most famous deer?
Bambi , of course :-).


What do you call a sick dog?
A germy Shepherd.

Did you know Chocolate is poisonous to dogs. It will make you pet sick.
Do not feed chocolate to your dog, but you can certainly color the dog your chocolate. In fact the name of our neighbor's dog is Chocolate.

  • Write two Os. A small one inside the big one.
  • Write two Us for ears
  • Join this U with face with 11.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Write I for mouth.

  • Write a big U for body.
  • Finish body with L.

  • Finish this simple dog by writing four I  for legs.
  • Write J for tail.
 We are done now!!

What is a dog's favorite pizza?
Pupperoni :-).


To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.

Dogs belong to the family of wolves and foxes. Dogs are very useful to people and have rightfully earned their common label as "man's best friend." Dogs bring joy and playfulness to any home. Lets draw another playful little dog here.

  • Start by writing two upside down Us, one inside other.
  • Join the edges of these by another small U.
  • Write a small O for nose.
  • For ears , write two C on each side.

  •  Join top of ears with U, and bottom of ears with 11. Join nose to mouth with I.
  • Put two dots for eyes and few dots on each side for whiskers.
  • Write I for mouth.

  • Draw body as in first dog.
  • Lets give this dog a bone. Write two I, and write a 3 on each side.
Bark !! Bark!!
To end, Ben Franklin once said, "there are three faithful friends - an old wife, an old dog and ready money.


How come the Dalmation could'nt hide?
Because it was already spotted :-).

Dogs are very good at finding hidden objects with their sense of smell and their tremendous hearing power. A dog can hear sounds 250 yards away that most people cannot hear beyond 25 yards. The human ear can detect sound waves vibrating at frequencies up to 20,000 times a second. But dogs can hear sound waves that vibrate at frequencies of more than 30,000 times a second.
Let us draw a Dalmatian.

  • Start by writing a slightly pointed U.
  • Top this pointed U with an upside down U.
  • Write two V on either side for ears
  • Join these to face with half Us.
  • Write O for nose.
  • Write W for mouth and put two dots for eyes.
  • Join W of mouth to nose with I.

  • Write 2 Is and an upside down U.
  • Join paws with I or 3.
  • Finish body by writing a turned around C. Write J for tail.
  • Cover this dog with spots.
Woof !! Woof !!
Why did the Dalmation go to cleaners?
Because it was covered in spots :-).


What does a lazy dog chase?
Parked cars.

The dog was one of the first animals domesticated by humans.
A dog’s nose has about 4 times as many scent cells as a cat’s and 14 times more than a human’s. That’s why dogs are often used to track down illegal drugs and missing persons. They can sniff out their dinner from any room in the house!
Sniff!! Sniff!! Lets draw.

  • Start by writing a W.
  • Cover this W with an upside down U.
  • Write another upside down U on top of it.

  • Make ears by writing two small Us on either side of head.
  • Write a small O for nose.
  • Write a small U for mouth.
  • Puts two dots for eyes.
  • Put few dots on either side for whiskers..

  • Write 11 and put an upside down U in between.
  • Write another U on side for body, and J for tail.

  • Write C and then a U to make another leg.
  • Finish tail with tilted I.
  • Finish body with another I.
  • Make front paws with 3 or small W.

Woof!! Woof !!
What do you call a dog that loves honey?
Winnie the Pooch :-).


 What dog can tell time?
A watch dog :-).

Contrary to the beleif that you can never teach an old dog new tricks.With patience and understanding you can teach any old dog new tricks, depending on what you are trying to teach, or un-teach the dog, which is usually more difficult. Dogs can learn at any age, and like humans, it’s just old habits that are hard to break!
Lets draw another dog now. It is very similar to the first one. Just the face is a little different.

  • Start by writing number 8 lying down.
  • Write upside down W.
  • Cover this with a bigger W.

  • Write two Cs each side for ears. Write U for mouth.Cover this U with a bigger U, and mouth is done.
  • Join ears to face with 11 on each side.
  • Put two dots for eyes.

  • For the bad dog, write a series of V inside mouth; for good dog write an I instead.
  • Put few dots on each side for whiskers.

  • Draw the body as in first dog.
  • Write small V for tail.
 Bow!! Wow!!

By the way ,what is the best time for a dog to come inside?
When the door is open :-).


What do you call a cow who cannot give milk?
An udder failure :-).

A cow is responsible for supplying around 90 percent of the dairy needs of the world population.She usually spends 6-7 hours in day eating cud and around 8 hours on chewing it. That is 14 to 15 hours of her day is spent eating. Lets spend few minutes drawing her.

  • Begin by writing 3.
  • Join the edges of 3 with flat U.
  • Write two small O inside this , for nose.
  • Write a upside down U at a distance for head.

  • Join edges of U with 3 with two tilted I.
  • Write two thin U on each side of head for ears.
  • For horn we write two J, one should face the wrong side. You can also think of those as two half U.
  • Join the edges of half U with I . Horns are ready.

  • To make body we write an I and half of T.
  • Write a small O and join it with I for tail.
  • Start making leg. Write a C and an I.
  • Join C to the end of half T with L. Join the tips of first leg with I.
  • Finish body with I.
  • For third leg write 11 and join with I.
  • The forth leg is L.

  • Now write a U and write small Us around it. Cow is ready.

I hope you followed the directions correctly and your cow is not an udder failure. I am sure you must know what a cow listens to?
Moo-sic of course :-).


What day of the week do chickens hate?
Fry-day !! Poor chicken.

We will give them some ease and just draw them here today. This one is just hatched.

  • Write a big U.
  • Join the edges of U with a series of V written together. Do not worry for these V to be uniform, the different sizes of V will look even better. This is the egg shell.

  • Write a capital C for the head. Note that this C has been turned around, and it is written a small distance from the shell.
  • Join the edges of C to the shell with bent I on each side.
  • For the beak we write V. Then write an upside down V joining the edges of first V. Join the ends of this beak with I.
  • Put two dots for eyes. Write two tilted I for hair.
Cheep!! Cheep!! This one is too cute to be fried!!


I just recently came to know of a chicken fact. Chicken are pretty fast. The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour when it wants to. Lets see how fast can we draw this one. Get set go.

  • Write a flat O.
  • Write a big U for body.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Start drawing the beak with an upside down V.

  • Finish this beak by writing another V joining the edges of first V; write I between them horizontally.
  • Write 11 for feet
  • Write an upside down V at end of each 1 , and then another small I between them. Feet is now  fully done.

  • For wing, we write C on each side of body.
  • We write W to join edge of C to U. If you have trouble writing this W with round bottoms , think of it as two Us joined together.
  • Write two I for hair.
Finally, do you know who tells the best chicken joke?
Comedi-hens :-).


One man asks another ,"Have you ever hunted bear?." The other man replies," No, but I've been shooting in my shorts!" :-).

Did you know Grizzly Bear is the state animal of California. They are large, heavy, omnivorous carnivores that walk flat on the soles of their feet and have shaggy fur and a very short tail. The bear we are going to draw here is a simple one and he is smiling with his cub.
  • Write a big O for the face.
  • Please do not get impatient. We now have to write six Us and two Os. Write a small O inside the face,a little towards the bottom. Write another O inside this small O for the nose.
  • Write two small upside down U touching the upper side of big O inside the face to make the outer part of eyes.
  • Write two upside down U for the ears. Cover these ears with a bigger set of upside down U.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Write a w for mouth.
  • Write a turned around L for the back, you can think ofit as half of the capital alphabet T. Write an I for front. 
  • Write two upside down Us, one for the tail and one to define the legs.
  •  Join the tip of the legs with Is and write a L to make the third leg. The fourth one is hidden.
 I have made a bear and its cub here.I hope you will have some fun too.

Did you know why bears have fur coats?
Because they'd look stupid in anoraks! :-)


What is a Cat's favorite subject?
 Meow-sic :-).
Cats belong to a family of carnivores(flesh eaters), including the lion, tiger. Cats are the only animal that walk on their claws, not the pads of their feet.They are soft-furred animal domesticated since ancient times. President Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House. 
Purr Purr..lets draw.

  • Start by writing two Os for the face. One small one inside the big one. A flat O that is an oval would even be better for face.
  • Write a W for mouth.
  • Put two dots for eyes and few dots on each side of mouth for whiskers.

  • Write two upside down V for ears. Cover those V with bigger Upside down Vs. Write a couple of Is for whiskers.
  • Write two Is for body.
  • Write a upside down U between Is to make foot.
  • Write two flat Cs on each side of the body.
  • To make the paws we write small W at the end of the feet . We make the other two feet with Cs.
  • We write J for tail.
By the way did you know what is the favorite song of cats?
Three Blind Mice :-).



Butterflies are among the most colorful and beautiful insects. They flutter from flower to flower, sometimes pausing to eat nectar or rest their wings. As they span out, their colors are on display for everyone to see. Butterflies are beautiful.

By the way , did you know why Johnny threw butter out of his window?
Because he wanted to see the butter fly.
Time to draw another butterfly. The real one though :-). It is very similar to the first one. Only the wings are different.

  • Write a long narrow U.
  • Write an o for the head.
  • Mark the upper side of U with three equally spaced dots.

  • Join the first two dots with upside down U. That makes the first wing.
  • From the middle of first wring write another upside down U touching the third dot.

  • For the antennas, this time we write two small Os and join them with tilted Is.
  • Write Us inside each wing again.
  • Color, and the butterfly is ready. I have drawn two here as we all need friends to play with.
I hope Johnny now knows what a butterfly is :-). 


Where does a bunny go for brunch?-IHOP!

They do  have yummy pancakes, but the best I like about them is the various type of syrups...yummy.
Another question, why do bunnies get good grades in math? 
Because they multiply like crazy.

Well, I cannot guarantee good grade in maths but you will definitely impress your teacher and your friends with this cute little bunny.

  • Start by writing an O
  • Mark two dots on the top for the ears.
  • Lets draw the ears now. They are U and V joined together. We write a V at each dot and then join the edges of V with upside down U.
  • Write a big U for the body.
  • Write a W for the forelegs.
  • Write a small C.
  • Join the edge of C and the free edge of U with another U.

  •  Join the mid of W(fore leg) to the middle of U(hind leg) with I. Write a small u for nose, another small u for tail.
  • Join the nose to the bottom of the face with I. Put two dots for eyes.
 Funny Bunny!!!


What do a moth, a butterfly and a fish have in common?


Everyone knows that fish have scales. But, what about moths and butterflies? Did you know that the powder-like substance on the wings of moths and butterflies is actually tiny layers of scales. These layers of scales help give butterflies and moths their beautiful color. They also give out a special smell for mating.
Lets draw now.

  •  Start with a small o.
  • Write a really long U for the body.
  • Mark both sides of U with three equally spaced dots.
  • Write a  M on top joining the first two dots and a W on the other side joining the first two dots. You can also think of it as the number 3 with the edges of 3 stretched to join the first two dots.
  • Join the second and third dots with U on each side.
  • For the antennas we write two small os.
  •  Join the os with tilted Is to the top of the head, Put two dots for eyes.
  • You can also make wings on one side only.
Fly butterfly fly !!
By the way, where do butterflies go to read books?
At branch libraries! :-).


Why did the butterfly not go to dance?
Because it was a Moth Ball :-).
Never mind we will make our own little butterflies dance.They are one of the most delicate and most beautiful creations. The Science Museum of San Francisco has a beautiful collection of butterflies. You can stay there for hours together. 
  • Start with a long narrow U.
  • Write a small o for the head.
  • Mark three equally spaced dots on upper side of U.

  • Write M,  with the ends of M touching the first two dots in U. You can also think of it as a 3 with its ends pulled to join the first two dots of U.
  • Write another slanted U for the second wing.
  • Join its ends to the second and third dot in U.
  • Write two more Us inside each wing. Put a dot for eye.

  • Antennas are two 9s.
Fly little butterflies, fly!! The butterflies are ready to dance . I have drawn two together. After all we all need a dancing partner :-). 

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