Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.


What kind of fish can a balloon artist make? 
A blowfish.

Blowfish is prickly, often poisonous fish that are capable of puffing up by swallowing water or air. They are also called  swellfish. We saw them in the movie, Nemo, and then admired the live ones at Monterey Bay Aquarium. Lets draw one now.
  • Write a big O.
  • At the right side of O write a U. Then write another U starting from the middle of the first U and then touching O. They are the fins.

  • Oops!! I missed drawing the eyes in my third step. They are two os with a dot in them.
  • Now the nose and the smile.Write two small u equal spaced from the edges of the big O. Join the middle of both these u with another very flat u. 
  • Write an I for the nose. Write 111 inside each fin.
  • Write two small m near the eyes for the side fins, Cover the blowfish with prickles by writing a lot of small vs.
 The Blowfish is ready!!


Why did the bat go to late night movie?
Because it had slept all morning. :-)

Bats like owl sleep during the day and feed at night. Bats emit ultrasonic sounds to communicate with each other. The flying fox is a bat with a wing span over five feet.Smallest bat is found in Thailand and weighs less than a penny. Wake up now, lets draw our bats!!

  • Start with a big O for the face. Try to make it flat. Just like an oval.
  • Write two small O inside the face , then write smaller O inside this O and put a dot in each. Eyes are ready.
  • Write a big U for body, a flat U for mouth and upside down U for feet.
  • Put two dots for the eyes and one for belly button.
  • Write two upside down Vs for ears.
  • Write C on each side of  body to make the wing. As you see this C is a turned around C.
  • Start to make the other end of wing with number 3 .
  • Finish wings with another upside down U. Finish feet by writing slanted I on each side.
We saw them at Oakland Zoo recently. They were all sleeping, upside down. No doubt they miss all the morning shows :-).


What do you call a crab when it is in a bad mood?
Crabby :-).

Crab is omnivorous in nature and feeds on a diet comprising of algae, mollusks, worms, other crustaceans, fungi and bacteria ,etc. Crabs usually inhabit brackish water i.e. a mix of fresh and saline water. Something interesting, the teeth of a crab are in its stomach and after losing its claw, a crab can grow it back. Lets draw now.

  • Start by writing a flat O, more like an oval. This makes the body of crab.
  • Fill this O with a couple of more Os and few C to touch the body.
  • Now to make the feet and the claws, we write  four J on each side. Please note the direction J is written on each side. This is a little tricky. If you have difficulty then just think of it as very flat C for the feet and half U on each side for the claws.

  • Join the edge of J and O with I to make a foot. Do this for all feet.
  • Write another set of half U for the claws.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Write small Us on top of each claw.

  • Write 3 touching edge of each U. Oops!! I forgot few Os inside the body in this picture. I hope you will forgive my mistake.
  • Join the other edge of U and the middle of number 3 with a small C . Do this for both.
  • Color and enjoy your crab.
How much does a crab eat?
Just a pinch! :-)


Crabs are decapods (ten legs) crustaceans (their skeleton is on the outside) and arthropods (they have segmented legs).
I was going to bring the crab out to introduce you before we drew him, but he was being shy.  I had a talk with him, but it is tough to get him out of his shell. Finally he consented. So here we go.

  • Start with a flat O (oval) for body.Write a couple of Os and Cs inside it.
  • For the claws we write two small C, and then another set of C inside the first one.
  • To draw feet, we write four J on one side of the body and four J on the other side of body.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  •  Finish claws with number3. 
  • Join J and body with I to make feet.
  • This crab is ready now. 

    Let me know if this crabs wont share the color pencils with you.  
    They have been known to be a little shellfish :-).


What time does a duck wake up?
 At the quack of dawn!

Ducks are birds. They are also called "waterfowls" because they are normally found in places with water, like ponds, streams and rivers. They are related to geese and swans. The duck is the smallest of them all.
Quack ! Quack! Did you know that when ducks quack they have no echo. Lets draw one now.

  • Write S.
  • Write a U at the tip of  S.
  • Write L at the free end of U.

  • Write a flat U.
  • Write M for tail of this duck.
  • Write C for beak.

  • Put a dot for eye, and write I inside C.
  • Write another U , and your duck is done. Quack !! Quack!!.
By the way do you know who stole the soap?
Robber duckky :-).
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