Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.


What do you give a pig with a rash?
Oinkment :-) !!

Pigs are omnivores, and are famed for their ability and willingness to eat or try to eat nearly anything. In the wild, they forage mainly for roots, leaves, grasses, acorns and nuts, and fruit. They are primarily raised for meat and leather, and their hairs can be used as bristles, to make brushes. Because of their success as foragers and their excellent sense of smell, pigs are also used to hunt for truffles
Pigs are much more tolerant of cold than heat. Pigs have no sweat glands, so they can't sweat. They roll around in the mud to cool their skin. The layer of dried mud protects their skin from the sun. If available, pigs, who are great swimmers, prefer water to mud.

  • Write a big O and a small one inside it.
  • Write two Cs to start making ears.One should be opposite of the first one.
  • Join these Cs with11 to face.
  • put two dots for eyes and two dots for nose.
  •  Write U for body.
  • Write four 11. Two for arms and two for legs.
  • Join tips of these 1 with W or 3.

  • Put a dot for belly buttton and write a small e for tail.
Oink !! Oink!!

What happened when the pig pen broke?
The pigs had to use a pencil!

Pigs are very intelligent and learn quickly. They pick up tricks faster than dogs. Pigs are very social animals.


Why did the lizard go on a diet ?
It weighed too much for its scales !! :-).

Lizards come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from a few centimeters (geckos and chameleons) to 9 feet or more (the Komodo dragon). They are cold blooded reptiles with scaly skin, and some species of lizard can shed their tails when the are in danger, but not all species of lizard are capable of doing this.
Lizards tend to be more active during the night as lizards spend the day basking in the hot sun in order to warm themselves up.

The lizard we are going to draw here is a little complicated. Just stay focussed and follow the figure as you read instructions. It will come out a lizard I promise.

  • Start by writing V.
  • Write two more Vs for neck.
  • Now write three Cs as shown in next figure. I hope you have an eraser handy for this one as we might have to adjust the size of Cs a little bit.

  • Write S for tail.
  • Make feet with two Ls on each side. Note the right Ls have been turned around.
  • For hind legs we write bigger upside down V covering the smaller one on each side.

  • To make toes write two 3s together at the tip of each leg.
  • Finish tail by writing another big S. start that S at the left hind leg and finish this S by joing it to first S we wrote.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Join tip of V of face to tip of tail with another line.
See we did it. Practice it one more time and this time it will be better. You can then draw a family of lizards.

What is a chameleon's motto ?
A change is as good as a rest ! :-)

No rest for me though, while I have some time ,I should quickly move to the next one. I hope you are enjoying my lessons.


Why are owls invited to so many parties?
Because they are a hoot to have around :-).

Owls are believed to be among the smartest of all birds.
Owls are fascinating to observe due to their behaviors. They are almost always found living alone.
They have large eyes, a rounded body, and small ears. They also have great vision and sense of smell. They can fly very quickly even though most of the time you see one it may be perched and not moving at all.
There are two main categories of owls, typical owls and barn owls.  Lets draw a barn owl. I love this owl.

  • Write C first.
  • Write another C turned around.Think of it as the mirror image of first one.
  • Write a two flat Us, you can also think of it as bent I and one U as shown in the next figure.
  • Write small Is at the each tip of upper flat U.

  • Now join this I and second flat U with M on each side.
  • Write two upside down Us for feet.
  • Put two dots for eyes and finish feet by writing 3 joining edges of each U of feet.

  • Now write two tilted Is for eye brows and two Is for wings at the start of U we made for body.
  • Write V for beak.
  • Finish wings by writing W on each side of Is we made in earlier step.

Hoot!! Hoot !!

What does an owl with attitude have?"
A scowl! :-)


Why did the famous movie stars go to the river?
They wanted to give out some otter-graphs! :-)

The otter is a small mammal that lives both in water and on land.
The otter has five toes on each of their four feet that give otter strength to swim in the water and the stability when climbing up muddy river banks. On each toes of the otter, there are sharp strong claws which add  strength and performance of their feet both in water and on land.
Most Otters are very social and they usually have great time with each other. They are quite playful. Lets make a playful otter.

  • Start by writing two big Us and then a small U on top of it.
  • Write an upside down U to finish making head,
  • Join the small U we made for nose with I.
  • Write two upside down U on each side of head to make ears.

  • Put two dots for eyes and few dots on each side for whiskers.
  • Write a big U for body.
  • Lets make arm by writing C as shown in above picture.

  • Write U starting at the beginning of C and join the other end of U to the end of big U of the body.
  • Make another arm by writing  U.
  • Finish arms by writing C for the first arm and small U for second arm.
  • Write Is on each side of mouth if you want whiskers.

What good would an otter be without its otter-half :-) ? So here are two of them.


What makes an octopus a good fighter?
He's very well armed :-).

An octopus looks like a large domed head sitting on top of an array of swirling arms. Actually this "head" is called the mantle or body and contains all of the octopus's vital organs - including three hearts. The majority of the octopus's nervous system is located in its arms and these are highly flexible and amazingly strong. Each arm has two identical rows of suction cups which not only grab and hold prey, but determine the texture, shape and even taste of the item the octopus is touching. An octopus can regrow arms it has lost.

  • Write a big upside down U.
  • Write eight S for arms.

  • Write similar S alongside the first one joining the ends at tip.
  • Put dots for eyes if you want to animate it . Write U for smile.
Octopus is ready.

What did the octopus say to his date?
I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand :-).


What do you call a bird that is a female?
A lady bird :-)
Lady birds are not birds. As you must alraedy know they are insects. In fact, they are generally considered useful insects as many species feed on aphids or scale insects, which are pests in gardens, agricultural fields, orchards. They are one of the prettiest insects around, my personal favorite.
  • Start by writing O for face and upside down U for body.
  • Write two small Os as shown. Join them with head with two Is.
  • Make neck with number 11.
  • Join U of body with I.

  • Make eyes with dots and smile with U.

  • Make dots with Os, Us and Cs.  Color.
Why can't a ladybird hide?
Because they're always spotted! :-).


Which fly captured the ladybird?
The dragon-fly :-).

Some more facts. Ladybirds are beetles and so possess two characteristics that distinguish them from insects of other orders. They are hard forewings that cover the abdomen and meet centrally plus a
biting mouthparts.

  • Start by writing O and two small O on either side of O.
  • Write T inside big O.
  • Join small O to body with I. Make eyes with dots.
  • Make dots with Os, Cs and Us.
Color this pretty insect.

Which insect could go to dance?
A ladybird , because it was wearing a pretty red dress :-).


What does lion say to his friends before they go out hunting for food ?
'Let us prey.' :-)

The eyesight of a lion is five times better than that of a human. It can even hear a prey from a distance of one mile. The sense of smell of a lion is so sharp that it can not only tell if prey is nearby, but also ascertain how long ago it was in the area.
Lion is the only member of the cat family to have a tassel at the tip of the tail. The roar of a male lion can be heard from a distance of, as much as, five miles. Lion is a magnificent animal, belonging to the cat family, which has been associated with power, strength, courage and royalty, since ages.
Lets draw one of them now. It is more like a cartoon lion.

  • Write a big O for face.
  • Write two small Os inside it for eyes and one O for nose.
  • Write two upside down U for ears.

  • Write W for mouth.
  • write another W for the fringes.
  • Finish eyes with dots or very small Os.

  • Write 11 for body. The tips of 11 closer than toes of 11. Write an upside down U between them.
  • Write J for tail.
  • Put some dots for whiskers
  • Make tassles with U at end of tail and join its edges with I.
  • Make paws by writing 3 or W.
Roar !! Roar!!
This one is cute. It is not the ferocious kind.

To end, what did lioness say to the cub chasing a hunter ?
'Stop playing with your food.' :-)


 What is small, cuddly and bright purple ?
A Koala holding its breath :-).

A koala has two thumbs on its hands, and the ridged skin on the bottom of its feet gives it traction for climbing trees.
Koalas have almost become extinct; but due to conservation efforts, koalas are making a comeback.
Lets draw another kind of Koala here.
  • Start by writing two number 3s.
  • Write U to join edge of 3 to make face.
  • Write small Os in each to make eye.

  • Write number 6 for each, just do not join the O of six.
  • Write tilted I for tree branch.
  • Write two sets of number 11 for both mummy and baby koala.
  • Write O for mouth.
Color and we are done!!

What do you call a Koala Bear with no ears ?
A Koala B :-)


What is a bear's favorite drink ?
 Koka-Koala :-).

Koalas are not related to bears.The koala infact is related to the kangaroo and the wombat.  Koalas rarely drink water, due to their diet of eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus leaves contain enough moisture to supply most of the koala's water needs.
Koalas have slow metabolisms. They sleep for most of the day.

  • Start by writing eight Os. Two big ones for face then four small ones for eyes and a medium bigger one for nose.
  • Write upside down U for ears.

  • Write two long Cs for arms.
  • Write two Cs again to start making legs.
  • Write reverse Cs to make body of koala.

  • Make another leg by writing long C again for oth mommy and baby koala. Join the gaps with I.
  • To make mouth write small U in each.
  • Draw branches with slanted 11.
A quick question.
Why does a Koala carry its baby on its back?
Because they can't push a pram up a tree!!! :-)


What does a jelly fish have on its tummy?
A jelly button :-).

Jellyfish don’t have any brain, heart, or bones. A group of jellyfish is called a 'smack'. Jellyfish feed on small protozoa, large metazoa and other small fish in the sea. They generally trap these in their tentacles. Some jellyfish do not have tentacles at all. They swim by contracting and expanding their bodies. They do not have scales or shells. If exposed to the hot sun, they disappear, leaving only a circle of film.
Is that not most interesting.

  • Write upside down U and join tips with bent I.

  • Write a number of S . Elongate some.
  • Write exactly same S beside each first one joing their end tips
Here is a smack of jelly fish.

What kind of kind of fish goes well with peanut butter?
Jellyfish :-).


What did the hen say after she laid 100 eggs?
I am eggs hausted :-).

It takes a hen 24-26 hours to lay an egg. A chicken takes 21 days to hatch. Special breed hens lay about 300 eggs in a year. They incubate their eggs and raise young ones. A mother hen turns her egg approximately 50 times in a day. This is so the yolk does not stick to the shell. Hen takes 24-26 hours to lay an egg.
Lets draw a hen. It is a few more steps, but again as I have said earlier they are just few more alphabets.

  • Start  with upside down J. You can think of it as a candy cane or upside down U joined with L
  • Write another small L at the free end of bigger L.
  • To make face write a small reverse C and then a big C for chest. Write another C to start making wing.
  •  My C was not big enough in the earlier figure. Make sure you write a big enough C.
  • Write 11 for feet, and M for beaks. Put dots for eye.
  • Make plumage with C, joined with three more Cs.
  • Join L and C of side wing with M to finish the side wing.
  • Write a series of crooked Vs to join the tip of C of plumage to the tip of 1 of second foot.
  • Write upside down U between feet and join them with I.
  • Write three upside down Us together for crown.
  • Write two flat Os more like oval for eggs.
Cook a Doodle do !!

Why do hens lay eggs?
Because if they dropped them they would break. :-).


Why was the giraffe not invited to the party?
Because he was a pain in the neck!
or maybe he had pain in his neck. No, wait! More than anything else a giraffe hates to have a sore throat. He has to  swallow his lozenges two weeks before he even knows he's gonna be sick. :-)

They are the tallest animal on earth. Even with their extreme height these animals are incredibly graceful and agile. Giraffes have black tongues that can extend approximately 20 inches.Giraffes need very little sleep and may only sleep between 20 minutes to two hours out of a twenty-four hour period. Lets draw this magnificient animal.

  • Start by writing C and M on top of it as shown.
  • Write two Is.
  • Write half of T or upside down L for back.

  • Write upside down U and join with I to make first two legs.
  • With two Ls we make the other two legs.
  • Write I for tail, C for smile and put dot for eye.
Make spots with O and Cs. Fill this giraffe with color.

Why was the giraffe late?
Because he got caught in a giraffic jam! :-).


Which game did the fox want to play with mouse?
Catch :-).

 The fox is the smallest member of the dog family. They are agile predators that usually weigh under 7kg. They scavenge carrion, wild fruits and hunt small rodents, rabbits, birds and invertebrates. They hunt small prey sufficient to feed only one animal and hence are solitary predators who do not hunt in packs. Fox is the only animal who lives with his own wits.
Lets draw this witty animal. It is more of a cartoon, like Swiper, the fox, from Dora.

  • Start by writing two flat Cs facing opposite sides.
  • Top this with upside down U.
  • Write M on each side to join edges of C and U.

  • Now write Os for eyes and put smaller O inside each eye.
  • Write a small O for nose and upside down Vs for ears.
  • Write a big U for body.
  • Now write three I for legs . The middle one should be a little longer than the side two Is.
  • Write flat C for one arm. 
  • Write J at tip of each side I of feet. Join it with series of three small Us as in the next figure to finish making feet.
  • Write S for tail.

  • Finish tail joining tip of  S to body with curved I, you can also think of it as flat C.
The fox is ready !!

Where did the fox go when it lost it's tail?
To the retail store. :-)


Do fish ever have holidays?
No-They are always in schools :-).

A group of fish is called school. Now lets talk about clown fish; remember ,"Nemo."
Clown fishes get their name because of their stripes and their bouncing movements, which make them look like clowns! Apart from the orange and white color, clown fishes are also found in black and white color. Their body is black in color and the stripes are white. These are called Ocellaris clown fishes. All clown fish are born males. But when a female dies, the most dominant clown fish changes itself into a female!
Lets draw this amazing clown fish now.

  • Start by making a loop with small L or small E.
  • Write number3 for mouth, fin and tail.
  • Write 7 for remaining three fins.
  • Write O for eye. Write a smaller O inside this big one.
  • Now write a small U for the body fin. Writea series of bent I to make face and stripes.

Color and we are ready .

What kind of money do fishermen make?
Net profits! :-)


I have no idea why I wanted to draw a funny animal. I think my humor bone was tickling too much.
I am now sure you find this animal funny or not but here it comes.
  • Start by writing big O for face. Write two small ones for eyes and a little bigger O for nose.
  • Write U for body, and upside down U for ears. Cover first U of ear with another set of upside down U and write a flat U for smile.
  • Put dots inside each eye so that this animal can see.
  • Write 11 on each cheek.
  • Lets make arms and legs by writing Os (it can either be flat or real Os).
  • Finish body by covering it with big U.
  • You can make tail with 11 or not make it.

Color this Funny Funny!!


How do fireflies start a race?
Ready steady glow! :-)

Fireflies are enigmatic!! enchanting!! and endangered!! It is almost magical to walk through a meadow during a cool summer evening and watching fireflies intermittently light up the night.
Firefly lights are the most efficient lights in the world—100% of the energy is emitted as light. Because it produces no heat, scientists refer to firefly lights as “cold lights.”
Lets draw a firefly now. It is a cartoon firefly. Ready steady glow..oops, I meant draw.

  • Start by writing big O for face. Write two little Os inside for eyes and two small O outside as shown.
  • Put dots inside eye for it to see.
  • Join the glow pods with I to head.
  • Write horizontal I to start making mouth.
  • Write a big U for body and a small U for mouth.

  • Write three 11s; one each side for arms and  one for feet.
  • Finish arms by writing Ls and finish feet by writing C, the joining it with I.
  • To make wings we write Ws. If you have difficulty making rounded edge W think of it as Us together.

Color as you want . My suggestion is at least the glow buds should be yellow!!
Do you know what goes "snap, crackle and pop"?
A firefly with a short circuit! :-)


What is the best way to catch a fish?
Have someone throw one to you. :-)

All fish live in water, have fins and scales and most of them breathe with their gills. All fish have back bone.Fishes come in an amazing variety of shapes and colors. Fish were well established long before
dinosaurs roamed the earth. Lets draw one of the simple ones.

  • Start by writing a cursive E or small L to make body of fish. You can think of it as a loop.
  • Write C to make face.
  • Finish tail with V.

  • Write series of U for scales. Put dot for eye.
  • Write number 7 for making fins and C for smile.

Swim fish, swim.
Why is a fish easy to weigh?
Because it has its own scales! :-).
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