Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.


What does a Triceratops sit on?
Its Tricera-bottom. 

Triceratops means "three-horned face"
Bearing a large bony frill and three horns on its large four-legged body, and conjuring similarities with the modern rhinoceros.When threatened by predators, Triceratops probably charged into its enemy like the modern-day rhinoceros does.

Lets draw another dinosaur. This is a Triceratop, but we can see only one bone of his in this picture.

  • Start by writing S.
  • Write a turned around U and an upside down pointed V on top of it.
  • Make mouth by writing U and half of U.

  • Start making legs by writing 11 , one for each leg.
  • Put two dots for eyes and two dots for nose.
  • Write a series of V around the face for its bony frill.

  • Write a slightly bent I between legs and one up starting at the left middle of frill.
  • Write turned around L touching body and both legs for other two legs.
  • Write J for tail and C for behind.

  • Join end of tail and end of V with another J. Color and enjoy !!
What makes more noise than a dinosaur ?
Two dinosaurs !:-)


 Why did carnivorous dinosaurs eat raw meat?
 Because they didn't know how to barbecue! :-)

A person who studies dinosaurs is known as a paleontologist. 
Pteranodon have a long pointed head, a scooplike beak,  but no teeth, and a wingspan upwards of 6 meters (20 feet).

Time to draw another dinosaurs. It is a Pteranodon.

  • Start by writing W.
  • Write one U starting at lower tip of U and an upside down U at upper tip of W.
  • Join free ends of two Us with V.
  • Lets make feet now. Write upside down U.
  • Now write two flat Cs(or bent I)facing each other.
  • Write another small W starting at free end of C.
  • Join the tip of U and the free tip of W of  feet with V.
  • Write Bent I on both side of body to start making wings.
  • Join the free end of I of wing to body with another I. Similarly make other wing.
  • Make eyes by writing O and then putting a dot inside it.
  • If you want to detail mouth then write another I joining the tips of lower beak.
  • Color and our Pteranodon is ready to fly!!
 What happened when the Pteranodon took the train home?
 He had to bring it back! :-)


How do you ask a tyrannosaur out to lunch?
"Tea, Rex? :-)

Tyrannosaurus Rex was a fierce predator that walked on two powerful legs. 
This meat-eater had a huge head with large, pointed, replaceable teeth and well-developed jaw muscles. 

It had tiny arms, each with two fingers. Each bird-like foot had three large toes, all equipped with claws (plus a little dewclaw on a tiny, vestigial fourth toe). 

T. Rex had a slim, stiff, pointed tail that provided balance and allowed quick turns while running. T. Rex's neck was short and muscular. 
Its body was solidly built but its bones were hollow. 

Lets draw dinosaur T-Rex.

  • Start by writing V.
  • Write L on either side of V.
  • Continue face by writing U at the free ends of L.
  • Write U to start making arm.

  • Finish making face by writing reverse C at free end of upper U.
  • We then make neck by writing two C facing opposite sides.
  • Make arm by writing V.
  • For tummy we write J backwards.
  • For the first leg we write flat C or a little bent I.
  • Now write another C to start making back portion of leg.
  • To make back of T-Rex we write a flat C facing backwards.
  • Join neck with arm with I.
  • Make second leg with two I ; bend them a little at their ends.
  • Make tail by writing a long V as shown.
  • To make feet we write W and then V at either leg.
  • Join free end of the foot and leg with another V.
  • Write S for eyebrows.
  • Make second arm with two upside down U.
  • Write W for fingers at end of either arm.
  • Put a dot for eye, and a dot for nose.
  • Write a series of V together at the upper and lower inner side of V to make teeth.

  • Write a series of upside down Us at the back to make ridges.
  • If you want to elongate tail, write another V.
  • Decorate your dinosaur with stripes and dots.
T Rex is ready :-).

What do you call a terrible, horrible, unpleasant dinosaur?
A Thesaurus. :-)

Baby Dino

Why do museums have old dinosaur bones?
Because they can't afford new ones! :-)

The word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means ‘terrible lizard’. The word was coined by English paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842 and was meant to refer to Dinosaurs impressive size rather than their scary appearance.

To start with lets draw a baby dinosaur.

  • To start making face write a C and then L as shown.
  • Join free end of C and L together with  I.
  • Then write another C( a flat one) in front and a small C in back.Write another C starting at free end of L.
  • Join free lower end of C we made  for face and C with curved I.
  • Now write 11 for fore leg and hind leg. Just make second one of 11 a little longer than first one.
  • Join the two free ends of 11 with C.
  • Write another set of small Cs as shown.
  • Join free end of small C to body of dinosaur with I.
  • Write J to start making tail.
  • Join free end of J and the tip of hind leg with turned around C.
  • Put two dots for eyes, and write horizontal I for mouth.
  • Write a couple of Os in body of dinosaur and our dinosaur is now ready to roar.
 What did Triceratops sit on?
 Its Tricera-bottom! :-)


Why did the Nanosaurus cross the road?
 Because chickens hadn't evolved yet!  :-)

Dinosaur eggs are many shapes and sizes. Some are up to 16" long or more. But bigger eggs didn't always mean bigger dinosaurs. Some very large dinosaurs had small eggs. The first dinosaur egg fossils were found in France in 1869. Many dinosaur eggs found still have their original shells.

Lets draw another dinosaur- it is a nanosaur.
  • Lets make face first by writing C.
  • At free ends of C write two small Us.
  • Write slanted 11 now. First one of 11 at free end of upper U and second 1 of 11 at center of lower U.
  • Write two C, one each for front and hind leg.
  • Write L at lower end of C.
  • Write I to join free end of L. Two legs are now done.
  • Join front and hind leg by writing a very flat U, more like bent I. Write similar I at free end of 1 we wrote for neck.
  • Make tail by writing a big V.
  • Make eye by writing O and putting a dot inside it.
  • Write I for mouth. Our nanosaurus is ready !!!
 What’s the best way to talk to a Nanosaurus?
 Long distance! :-)


What is the difference between a pilot and a jet engine?
A jet engine stops whining soon after landing. :-)

Did you know a plane ticket cost just $5 in the 1920s.
Lets draw another type of plane now.

  • Start by writing upside down U with the ends to U coming towards each other.
  • Write J on either side.
  • Now we write two upside down U one at the top of the plane and one in between two Js.
  • Join tip of bottom U and J with I.
  • Now write two big C on either side of the body of plane to make wings.
  • Write another set of small C with top small U in center.
  • Join edges of C with U using two I on each side.
  • Make window by writing 11 and the joining tips with I.

You are ready to take off now!!

How do you know if there is a pilot at your party?  
He'll tell you. :-)

What kind of Pilots like hovering?
Hovering is for pilots who love to fly but have no place to go. :-)


Why did the alien want to leave the party?
The atmosphere wasn't right :-)

An unidentified flying object (usually abbreviated to UFO or U.F.O.) is any unusual apparent object in the sky whose cause cannot be identified by the observer.In popular usage it means alien spacecraft.

  • Write upside down U.
  • Join edges of this U with a slightly curved I.
  • Now write another curved I but a longer one this time.

  • Join edges of smaller I and longer I with two more I.

  • Write three 11 spaced equally. Join tips with I.
  • Color and your UFO is ready!!
What do you call a pan spinning through space?
An unidentified frying object.  :-)

Air Balloon

What do you say when a balloon pops?
May you rest in pieces! :-)

The hot air balloon is the oldest successful human-carrying flight technology. It is in a class of aircraft known as balloon aircraft.Hot air balloons that can be propelled through the air rather than just being pushed along by the wind are known as airships or, more specifically, thermal airships.

Lets draw a hot air balloon .

  • Begin by writing a thin long O.
  • Write two C, one after other on one side of O.
  • Repeat on other side.

  • Make basket by writing small U and topping it with  I.
  • Attach balloon with basket by writing three Is.
  • Hot air balloon is ready.
When a balloon breaks for an optimist, what does he say?
"Great! Now I have two!"  :-)

Fighter Plane

Rules of Airways: 
Flying is not dangerous; crashing is dangerous. :-)

The Modern Fighter planes are the fastest and the toughest of all the planes. The planes are not cheap, for they can cost as much as 2 billion dollars! The fighter planes are specially designed for high speeds, like the fact that the wings on the F-14 can slide back (for high speeds) and forward (for slow speeds) during flight.

Lets draw a fighter plane.

  • Write C first, the bottom line of C a little longer than the top.
  • Write upside down U at the lower end of C.
  • Now write another small U at upper edge of C.
  • Now write tilted I starting at free tip of U, and another tilted I at free tip of upside down U. Second I should be a little longer than first one.
  • Now write 11, one 1 at free tip of each I.
  • Join ends of 11 with I. Write another small upside down U to cover the small upper U.
  • To make wings, write tilted U at the top. 
  • Write another U on the other side starting at the free end of lower U.
  • Write an I at nose of the plane and we are ready to fly.

What did one fighter pilot say to his buddy upon landing?
Was that a landing or were we shot down?  :-)


How do you make a baby sleep on a space ship?
You rock et :-)

A rocket or rocket vehicle is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. Rocket engines work by action and reaction. Rocket engines push rocket forward simply by throwing their exhaust backwards extremely fast.

Lets draw a rocket now.

  • Start by writing a big C and then two small ones as shown in the figure.
  • Join tips of C with set of another opposite Cs. Make your rocket fat or thin.

  • Write two C on each side at the bottom.
  • Join tips with another set of C.
  • Top the rocket with two flat U.
  • Rocket is ready to blast off !!
 What's an astronauts favorite drink?

Passenger train

If an electric train travels 90 miles an hour in a westerly direction and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction is the smoke blowing?
There is no smoke from an electric train! :-)

Railroads were initially made up of wooden rails dating back to Germany in the 1550’s. The railroads were called Wagonways, in which carts pulled by horses was the mode of transportation for the Wagonways. In 17th century wooden rails were replaced with iron.

Lets draw train now. This is a passenger train.

  •  Start by writing a big turned around L. Top it with two 11, first one smaller than the second.
  • Join their tips with I.
  • Write two small O for wheels, and a turned around seven in front.
  • Write three 1 inside big 11 to start making window. Join all the free edges with I.
  • Join their tips with I. Engine of train is ready.
  • Lets now make the passenger car. Start by writing one big 11 and two small 11 inside this big 11.
  • Join the top of big 11 and both tips of small 11 with I.
  • Write two O for wheels.
  • Join the free ends of big 11 , just remember not to cross out Os.
  • Choo Choo!!
Our passenger train is ready for Nidhi and Prasad !!

Did you hear about the boy who had to do a project on trains? 
He had to keep track of everything!:-)

Here is a more funny one.
A passenger train is creeping along, slowly. Finally it creaks to a halt. A passenger sees a conductor walking by outside. "What's going on?" she yells out the window. "Cow on the track!" replies the conductor. Ten minutes later, the train resumes its slow pace. Within five minutes, however, it stops again. The woman sees the same conductor walk again. She leans out the window and yells, "What happened? Did we catch up with the cow again?"

Motor Bike

If Santa rode a motorcycle, what kind would it be?
A Holly Davidson. :-)
A motorcycle (also called a motorbike) is a single-track two-wheeled motor vehicle. As of 2002, India with an estimated 37 million motorcycles/mopeds was home to the largest number of motorized two wheelers in the world. China came a close second with 34 million motorcycles/mopeds.The first internal combustion, petroleum fueled motorcycle was the Petroleum Reitwagen. It was designed and built by the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Germany in 1885.

Lets draw a motor bike now.

  • Start by writing two big O. Write two small O inside these and then another set of small O inside the second set of O. Wheels are ready.
  • Top these O with upside down U.
  • Join the tip of U in the rear wheel to the the wheel itself. Join the two Us with bent I.

  • Write a slanted I at first wheel. Make it thick.
  • To make motor of the bike we write two flat O. One inside other.
  • Make seat by writing two Is and then joining their tips with another set of I.
  • Make the handle bar with a very flat U.
  • Make light with C and O.
  • Motorbike is ready.
What do you call a laughing motorcycle?
 A Yamahahaha!  :-)

Easter Egg

What kinds of books do bunnies like?
Ones with hoppy endings! :-)

Eggs, like rabbits and hares, are fertility symbols of  antiquity. Since birds lay eggs and rabbits and hares give birth to large litters in the early spring, these became symbols of spring fertility.

The first edible Easter Eggs were made in Germany during the early 19th century and were made of pastry and sugar.

Lets draw  Easter Egg.

  • Write a big U. Top edges of this U with upside down V. Now join the three points(two tips of U and the tip of V with another smooth U, it will be between a U and a V.

  • Draw a perfect egg.
  • Now lets decorate our Easter Egg.
  • Write two small O at the bottom.
  • write six I around each O.
  • Join the eds of two consecutive I with number 3.
  • To decorate my Easter egg I have used six flat u and then two series of U joined together.
  • Color and enjoy!!
 Why did the bunny go to the dance?
To do the bunny hop! :-)

Easter Bunny

How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself?
With a hare-dryer!

The Easter Bunny or Easter Bunny is a character depicted as a rabbit bringing baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and sometimes also toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter. The Easter Bunny is a counterpart to the Santa Claus of Christmas, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holiday.

Lets draw Easter Bunny.

  • Start by writing O.
  • On the upper side of O we write U.
  • Write W to make mouth.
  • Join the middle of w and middle of U with I.
  • To make face we write upside down U on top of O.
  • Put two dots for eyes.
  • Write two long upside down U for ears.
  • Cover those ears with another set of longer and bigger U.
  • Write O for tummy.
  • Write four C or U for arms and legs. Also write a small U as shown in the figure.
  • Join the free ends of arms and legs with flat C on each side.
  • Join the C/U of legs with small U to finish making feet.
  • My bunny has a balloon. It is made of O and an upside down V. The tip of this V is joined with I . String of this balloon is another long I.

Hop !! Hop !!
Hope you have a lot of Easter Fun !!

How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good?
With hare spray! :-)

Goods Train

How do you know when a train is eating?
You hear it chooing (chewing). :-)

Trains are made up of many parts that have a specific task. All trains are different and require different mechanics to function. Locomotives can use steam, diesel, electric, or hydrogen as its mode of energy. Air brakes are used in modern trains by using compressed air.

 Let us draw a train. This is a goods train.

  • Start by writing horizontal I and then two small o and a big O as shown.
  • Now write 11 on right side of I. Make the second 1 longer as shown.
  • Write small O inside big O to finish making wheel.
  • Write J to make roof

  • Join top of J with I and finish bottom of tarin by joining wheels with I.
  • Write two 11 as shown. Front 11 longer than the latter. Join their edges with I.
  • Top the ends of 1 of first 11 with slanted I.
  • Also write another slanted I in front of the engine. Join them both with I. You can also think of bottom tilted I in front of this train as turned around 7.

  • Write 11 , and join ends with I to make window.
  • Make carriage with 11 toped with I on top and two small O at bottom. Join with I as needed.
  • To make the end write a small U.
  • We can make smaoke by clubbing a lot of 3s together. Color your train in bright color.
Choo choo... we are ready to go Vyas !

What's the difference between a teacher and a train?
A teacher says, "Spit out your gum,"
and a train says, "choo, choo."  :-)


This is Safe Boating Week, so remember the first rule of boating safety. Stay away from water. :-)

A boat is a watercraft designed to float , to provide passage across water.  The earliest boats have been predicted to be logboats.
Lets draw our own boat.

  • Start by writing a horizontal I.
  • At its two ends we write slanted Is , slanted towards the center of of the big I.
  • Write an upside down V on top of the big I.
  • Now write another long I at the center of V. Make this I long to extend beyond V.
  • To make flag we write small V at free end of I.
  • Write a lot of Us together to make water.  Color and we are done.
This is Safe Boating Week, so be extra careful at the lake.
Remember, with water so polluted these days, drowning can be really yucky.
And you can imagine what it does to your hair. :-)
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