Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.


Turtles and tortoises evolved before most of the others in the animal kingdom even before lizards about 200 million years ago. Still most are almost exactly the same as their prehistoric counterparts. Turtles can breath through their bottom by used the muscles in their bottom to extract Oxygen from the water around them meaning they don’t have to come to the top of the water to breath. Baby turtles aren’t able to do this until they are a few months old.
Turtles are often depicted as symbols of patience and wisdom.

  • Start by writing an upside down U.
  • Join edges of U with I.

  • Write C to start making face. Write two flat Us at the bottom of shell for feet.
  • Join C with shell with 11.

  • If you want a turtle facing front, do not make face just write a small V in between its shell.
  • Draw lines inside the shell to show segments.

Quick question, how do turtles communicate with each other?
With shell phones! :-)


Why did the sparrow go to the library?
It was looking for bookworms!

Sparrows are small, chubby brown-grey birds with short tails and short & blunt yet powerful beaks. They mainly eat seeds but can also eat insects. Song Sparrow is the most common and widespread sparrow native to North America. Although Song Sparrows learn their music from other song sparrows, each bird creates its own variation.
No two human finger prints are same similarly no two sparrows sing the same tune!

  • We are drawing four sparrows together. So we write four Os, more like ovals.

  • Now to make the face we write upside down Us on each O. To make tail we write two Is together, closer towards body and a little spaced out at the end.

    • Make eyes by putting a dot on each. Join edges of I with a horizontal I to finish making tail. Write two Cs inside each O of body as shown to make end wings.
    • Write V to make beaks.

      • Instead of Vs , you can also write M for beak.
      • Write 11 for feet.
      • Draw branch with a crooked I.
      Twitter!! Twitter!!
      What's got eight legs and can fly long distances?
      Fou sparrows! :-)


      Where do birds invest their money?
      In the stork market!

      Storks are a symbol of fertility and parental care.
      Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long stout bills. Storks have no syrinx and are mute, giving no bird call;bill-clattering is an important mode of stork communication.

      • Start by writing a S.
      • At the upper end of S write U.
      • Write a big U starting at the middle of the small one and stretching a little longer than the free edge of S.

      • Join the free tip of S and U with W.
      • Write V for leg. Notice that my Vs are very flat for the leg.
      • Write small V at end of each leg for the foot.

      • Put a dot for eye and write long V for beak.
      • You can modify this stork a little bit at its leg. You can write small Us first and then make legs as usual.
      A fun question now... Do you know why does the stork stand on one leg only?
      If he lifted it, he would fall down!


      What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air?
      A seahorse!

      Seahorses are fish. They are bony , they do not have scales, but rather a thin skin stretched over a series of bony plates arranged in rings throughout their body. Each species has a distinct number of rings. Seahorses swim upright. Seahorses have a coronet on their head,which is distinct to each individual, much like a human fingerprint.
      This is the only species in animal kingdom in which father carries the baby. Lets draw a seahorse now. It has more alphabets , but after all they are alphabets.

      • Start by writing S.
      • Wrte U as shown in the second figure.
      • Write I a the tip of S and the free tip of U. Join the free tips of I wih number 3.

      • Write C at the lower free edge of S.
      • Write small O for eye.
      • Write another smal O for crown.Join it to head with 11.
      • Write a big U staring at the middle of the small U we wrote for face and ending at the end of big S of body.
      • Join the free end of big U to end of C with upside down U.
      • Write Vs to make riges of this sea horse.
      • Make fin by writing another V as shown.
      • Finish bod by writing a turned around C. You can color your seahorse any way you like...polka dots, stripes, etc etc.

      What kind of horse will never drop a carriage in water?
      A sea horse! :-)


      How does a tiger greet the other animals in the field?
      'Pleased to eat you.'!

      Tigers are the biggest in cat species. They are typically orange with black striped (some are white due to a genetic mutation) carnivores can be exceptionally large. Tigers are carnivores not by choice or habit but by necessity. They are called obligate carnivores since they must eat meat in order to survive.

      • Write a big O and inside it a small O.
      • Write W , mid of W touching small O and put some dots on either side of W.
      • Write two upside down Us for ears.

      • Write 11(the beginning of the numbers closer than its end to give a flared 11) to start making body, put an upside down U in between.
      • Join the free end of U and 1 with W.
      • Write J for tail.

        • Write a number of V on the body and in the face for stripes.
        • Top the tip of tail with U and join its edges with I.
        • Draw whiskers with I.
        Roar !! Roar!! Now a fun question,How are tigers like sergeants in the army ?
        They both wear stripes !


        What's a babys favourite snake?
        A rattle snake!

        Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles. They are dependent on the heat from their surroundings and the sun to control the temperature of their body. This is the reason most snake species are found in the humid and warm climates of tropical regions.
        Did you know snakes use their forked tongue to smell. Another interesting fact about snakes is that they need to shed their skin regularly while they grow. This process is known as molting.
        Lets draw one of this SSSS..Snake.

        • Start by writing S.
        • Write 3 for the mouth.

        • Write C,or upside down U as shown in the above figure.
        • Join the edge of U and the tip od S with another S.
        •  Write another S for fang. 
        We are done now .
        What is snake's favourite subject?
        Another one, Why was the snake so good at math?
        He was an Adder!


        Where do sheep go to get a haircut?
        To the baa-baa shop!

        All of us must have heard this nursery rhymn…Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool. Sheep is an animal which has a thick coat of fleece on its body. The sheep is believed to be first domesticated in Asia during the Bronze Age. It was and still is kept to provide wool to keep warm and the meat as food. There are still wild sheep around the world. They look a lot like wild goats and can climb mountains. Lets draw one now.

        • Write one big U.
        • Write two more Us on tip of bigger U to make ears.
        • Write 3 to start making wool.

        • Finish the wool on head by writing two more 3.
        • Make body by writing six 3s one after the other as shown in figure.

        • Make the legs by writing four 11 as shown in figure . Join the eges of each 11 with I.
        • Write a 3 and then join it with the body by writing another U.
        • Put two dots for eyes.
        • Write I for mouth.
        Baa !! Baa!! You can draw a herd of sheep now!!
        By the way what is a sheep’s favorite painting?
        The Mona Fleesa!


        How do snails fight?
        They slug it out until one wins.

        Snails are found in almost everyone’s garden. They are herbivorous and will eat almost anything in the plant and flower family, no wonder we find holes in leaves where the snail live. Beneath their tiny shell and in that slimy body they have a tiny heart, a digestive system, a kidney, a lung, a stomach and even a tiny brain. Lets draw this little creature now.

        • Write a small O; ten instead of ending it go round and round till you are satisfied with the size of shell you want for your snail.
        • Write C for face.
        • Join edges of C  to shell with 11. Make tail with V.

        • Make antennas by writing two Osand joining them to the face with Is. Put a dot for eye.
        I made my snail a friend!!One would be lonely.
        What do you call a snail on a ship?
        A snailor! :-).
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