Drawing made simple and fun with english alphabets and numbers

Welcome to the world of drawing made simple. If you know the english alphabet and numbers we will show how easy it can be drawing using letters.

Baby Dino

Why do museums have old dinosaur bones?
Because they can't afford new ones! :-)

The word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means ‘terrible lizard’. The word was coined by English paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842 and was meant to refer to Dinosaurs impressive size rather than their scary appearance.

To start with lets draw a baby dinosaur.

  • To start making face write a C and then L as shown.
  • Join free end of C and L together with  I.
  • Then write another C( a flat one) in front and a small C in back.Write another C starting at free end of L.
  • Join free lower end of C we made  for face and C with curved I.
  • Now write 11 for fore leg and hind leg. Just make second one of 11 a little longer than first one.
  • Join the two free ends of 11 with C.
  • Write another set of small Cs as shown.
  • Join free end of small C to body of dinosaur with I.
  • Write J to start making tail.
  • Join free end of J and the tip of hind leg with turned around C.
  • Put two dots for eyes, and write horizontal I for mouth.
  • Write a couple of Os in body of dinosaur and our dinosaur is now ready to roar.
 What did Triceratops sit on?
 Its Tricera-bottom! :-)


Why did the Nanosaurus cross the road?
 Because chickens hadn't evolved yet!  :-)

Dinosaur eggs are many shapes and sizes. Some are up to 16" long or more. But bigger eggs didn't always mean bigger dinosaurs. Some very large dinosaurs had small eggs. The first dinosaur egg fossils were found in France in 1869. Many dinosaur eggs found still have their original shells.

Lets draw another dinosaur- it is a nanosaur.
  • Lets make face first by writing C.
  • At free ends of C write two small Us.
  • Write slanted 11 now. First one of 11 at free end of upper U and second 1 of 11 at center of lower U.
  • Write two C, one each for front and hind leg.
  • Write L at lower end of C.
  • Write I to join free end of L. Two legs are now done.
  • Join front and hind leg by writing a very flat U, more like bent I. Write similar I at free end of 1 we wrote for neck.
  • Make tail by writing a big V.
  • Make eye by writing O and putting a dot inside it.
  • Write I for mouth. Our nanosaurus is ready !!!
 What’s the best way to talk to a Nanosaurus?
 Long distance! :-)


What is the difference between a pilot and a jet engine?
A jet engine stops whining soon after landing. :-)

Did you know a plane ticket cost just $5 in the 1920s.
Lets draw another type of plane now.

  • Start by writing upside down U with the ends to U coming towards each other.
  • Write J on either side.
  • Now we write two upside down U one at the top of the plane and one in between two Js.
  • Join tip of bottom U and J with I.
  • Now write two big C on either side of the body of plane to make wings.
  • Write another set of small C with top small U in center.
  • Join edges of C with U using two I on each side.
  • Make window by writing 11 and the joining tips with I.

You are ready to take off now!!

How do you know if there is a pilot at your party?  
He'll tell you. :-)

What kind of Pilots like hovering?
Hovering is for pilots who love to fly but have no place to go. :-)


Why did the alien want to leave the party?
The atmosphere wasn't right :-)

An unidentified flying object (usually abbreviated to UFO or U.F.O.) is any unusual apparent object in the sky whose cause cannot be identified by the observer.In popular usage it means alien spacecraft.

  • Write upside down U.
  • Join edges of this U with a slightly curved I.
  • Now write another curved I but a longer one this time.

  • Join edges of smaller I and longer I with two more I.

  • Write three 11 spaced equally. Join tips with I.
  • Color and your UFO is ready!!
What do you call a pan spinning through space?
An unidentified frying object.  :-)
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